
AASTOCKS.com Careers


Founded in 2000, AASTOCKS is a leading financial information provider in HK focusing on combining the latest technology with market insights to deliver the hottest news, instant quotes and technical analysis in the global financial markets through websites and mobile apps for retail customers, as well as business solutions for our corporate clients.


After more than a decade of endeavor, AASTOCKS gains the global fame and recognition for the swift processing of data from exchanges all over the world. Our footsteps fall along countless platforms of clients, including HSBC, Citigroup, Bank of China, ICBC, and many more. Our award-winning mobile app repeatedly ranks top three of all free-to-download apps in the financial category of App Store and Google Play ever since its launch with multi-million users worldwide at present.


From ground zero to a gigantic base of investors of millions, AASTOCKS builds the success by embracing people with diversified talent, passion and dreams. We think beyond traditions, limitations, or any other norms as we respect the uniqueness of people and believe in every superfine element in the company which would lead us to any possibilities.

Latest Jobs
Senior Analyst Programmer/System Analyst (Application Development)

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Develop and implement large-scale financial data processing applications and systems

•              Perform application tuning and optimization

•              Ensure the qualities of the project deliverables


Join our team if you are

•              A holder of Degree in Computer Science or equivalent

•              Experienced in system analysis, application architecture design, system development and implementation for 5 years or above

•              Solid experience in Java / C++ / Node.js development

•              Proficient in databases: NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB), SQL (MSSQL/MYSQL)

•              Keen on handling market data, network programming, application tuning and optimization

•              Experience with microservices, containers, and Kubernetes will be a plus

•              Analytical thinking, good problem solving and debugging skills

•              Self-motivated, dependable and quality oriented

•              Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, independently and proactively

•              Good communication skills in English and Chinese

Android Application Developer

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Design and develop innovative applications on Android platforms

•              Understand and execute technology roadmaps for applications on the Android platform


Join our team if you are

•              Higher Diploma or above in IT or related disciplines

•              Experienced in mobile applications development on Android platform for 2 years or above

•              Strong programming skills, good object-oriented programming concepts

•              Familiar with Java/Kotlin

•              Proficient in Flutter will be a plus

•              Strong passion for mobile application development, able and willing to learn new technologies quickly

•              Good critical thinking, problem solving and presentation skills

•              More experience and looking for a role as a Senior Mobile Application Developer

iOS Application Developer

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Design and develop innovative applications on iOS platforms

•              Understand and execute technology roadmaps for applications on the iOS platform


Join our team if you are

•              Higher Diploma or above in IT or related disciplines

•              Experienced in mobile applications development on iOS platform for 2 years or above

•              Strong programming skills, good object-oriented programming concepts

•              Familiar with Objective-C/Swift

•              Proficient in Flutter will be a plus

•              Strong passion for mobile application development, able and willing to learn new technologies quickly

•              Good critical thinking, problem solving and presentation skills

•              More experience and looking for a role as a Senior Mobile Application Developer

Analyst Programmer/Programmer (Web Application)

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Develop, Maintain and implement web-based applications

•              Participate in user requirements study

•              Conduct system testing

•              Prepare technical documentation


Join our team if you are

•              Higher Diploma or above in IT or related disciplines

•              Experienced web development in C# on .NET, ReactJS, HTML5, JQuery, CSS3

•              Good SQL & database knowledge (MS SQL Server)

•              Knowledge of Node.js, PostgreSQL will be an advantage

•              Analytical thinking, good problem solving and debugging skills

•              Self-motivated, dependable and quality oriented

•              Flexible, multi-tasking and able to work under pressure

•              Good command in verbal and written English and Chinese

•              More experience and looking for a role as an Analyst Programmer. Fresh graduates are also welcomed

Assistant Business Analyst / Business Analyst

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Assist Manager to evaluate areas for improvement and develop/ implement digit product development projects

•              Participate in creating and designing innovative products that will redefine the future of FinTech platform

•              Conduct user acceptance test for both PC and mobile (iOS/Android) applications

•              Prepare correspondent documentation such as UAT plan and defects report

•              Analyse Big Data to uncover market trend, user patterns and behaviours

•              Work in an agile environment, as part of scrum teams, striving to define and continuously refine delivery approach for optimal efficiency

•              Work with various stakeholders such as IT, UI/UX team, Quality Assurance and business stakeholders to manage good quality of project delivery

•              Prepare the functional specification for product development

•              Provide project rollout presentation to related parties

•              Gather user comments and feedbacks

•              Identify and troubleshoot product problems


Join our team if you are

•              A holder of Degree in Finance, Business, Information Technology or related disciplines

•              Experienced in Digital product development for 1- 3 years or above

•              Innovative, open-minded, and eager to tackle complex challenges

•              Adaptive to changing situations and enjoy collaborating with various teams in a diverse multi-cultural environment

•              Passionate problem solver, with good communications skills

•              More experience and looking for a role as a Senior Business Analyst. Fresh graduates are also welcomed

•              Available immediately

Senior Compliance Officer / Assistant Compliance Manager

As part of our team, you are going to

•              Ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of different market data licensing authorities, including Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, NYSE etc.

•              Keep abreast of index compliers and stock exchanges for the policies or pricing changes and provide advice to business and technical units of the company.

•              Review legal documents, business agreements and advertising materials.

•              Look into issues with different departments and avoid violations of rules of authorities.

•              Acquire necessary license and permission from authorities.

•              Review complaints or questions related to compliance issue and provide consultative support.

•              Undertake ad hoc projects.


Join our team if you are

•              Experience in market data licensing or financial services industry

•              Diploma or Degree holder in any discipline (preferable in Law/ IT/ Business).

•              Self-motivated, meticulous, analytical and strong organizational skill.

•              Proficient in MS Word, Excel is required.

•              Excellent English and Mandarin, both verbal and written.

•              Able to work independently and cope well with pressure.



As part of our team, you are going to

•              Attend press conference and report financial news


Join our team if you are

•              A holder of Degree in Communication/Journalism or related disciplines

•              Experienced in relevant media industry for 1 year above(Instant financial news experience is an advantage)

•              Familiar and sensitive with Hong Kong stock market

•              Excellent command of written English and Chinese

•              Able to work under pressure with tight schedule and independently

•              Applicants with less working experience or fresh graduate in related discipline would also be considered

  • Five-day work week
  • Medical insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Dental insurance
Contact Us

We offer an attractive remuneration package and excellent prospects for career advancement to the right candidate.

If you are interested in this position, please send full resume and expected salary by email to: career@aastocks.com

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.)

支援電郵: support@aastocks.com
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更新日期為: 2023年1月6日